Qigong for the Spirit

health qigong wellbeing Oct 07, 2023

Centering in Truth, Generating Inspiration

It's common knowledge that physical exercises, including disciplines such as Qigong and Yoga, can help boost your physical vitality, elevate your emotional state, and improve your mental and spiritual well-being.

What is not so common knowledge is that exercising your spirit by cultivating the habit of transforming negative or limiting beliefs into constructive and positive ones has a profound impact on your levels of vitality and emotional well-being!

Enjoy the video below, where I share the importance of working both from the bottom up (with Qigong exercises for the body), and from the top down (with Qigong exercises for the spirit). Included is a simple process for identifying negative or limiting beliefs and how to transform them into positive and constructive ones - and it's easy to do!

Most importantly, this process centers you in Truth, strengthens the connection to your True-Self, and helps you generate sustained Inspiration!


Here’s a preview of the content I share in the full video below!

  1. Qigong for the Metal Element
    • In this segment, I share the Five Element Qigong form for the Metal Element and show you "Pro-Tips" on the first and second movements of the Eight Brocades. Subscribe now and you'll receive this video (as well as the segments below) in your inbox in a minute or two!
  2. Qigong for the Spirit: Centering in Truth and Generating Inspiration
    • My challenge as we work with the spirit of the Metal Element this season is to transform one limiting belief every week! Receive the worksheets for Transforming Your Limiting Beliefs when you subscribe! Get started creating constructive and positive beliefs that connect you to your Truth and fill you with Inspiration!
  3. Qigong tips: “Returning to Naturalness”
    • Following the form is just one step learning Qigong. To achieve the greatest benefits from your practice, I share some tips on how to ENJOY every step and to remember that you are a NATURAL!
  4. Influencing the Collective
      • Transforming your own personal limiting beliefs has a profound effect on your levels of vitality, and your emotional and spiritual well-being. In this video I share how you can also transform your beliefs about the collective, and humanity as a whole. This process brings additional well-being, and will even help you navigate the holidays and the discussions you’ll inevitably engage in with your relatives and friends about what’s going on in the world. Discover how to build consensus, be constructive, positive, and inspirational!

    Qigong for the Spirit! Transform limiting beliefs into positive and constructive ones! Transforming your beliefs with mental/spiritual Qigong brings new vitality (just as much as the physical movements do), by generating Inspiration!

    Receive the journaling worksheets I mention in the video for FREE when you subscribe to my email list. You will also receive a weekly note with Qigong exercises and much more.

    It's what I call the "Five Element Sync!" Don't miss it - it's great stuff!